

09cm_3450g is a family life photo album, mainly documenting and presenting a real-life experience of the author’s family during the COVID-19 pandemic when they were hospitalized for giving birth. The title juxtaposes the length of the incision left on the mother’s body from the cesarean section with the weight of the child at birth, suggesting the mutual relationship between the mother and the child: a painful, intense, and vivid life experience, but at the same time, a kind of ‘injury’ and ‘ongoing separation’. 

The cover design is inspired by the concept of a fetus floating in the uterus. After reading the main text, readers can pull off the TPU cover of the cover along the red line, take out the folded page inside the cover, and then see the birth image of the child.

《9cm_3450g》是一本家庭生活影像志,主要记录表现作者一家发生在新冠疫情期间住院生育孩子的一段真实生活经历。 书名将剖腹产留于母亲身上的刀口长度与孩子出生时的体重并置,意为在生命层面上母亲和孩子的相互关照,生命的痛和生命的喜交织的同时也成就了母亲和孩子的身份关系:疼痛的、强烈的、鲜活的生命体验,但同时也是一种“伤害”和“正在分离”。 书籍封面设计为胎儿漂浮在子宫里的概念,翻阅完正文之后,读者可将封面TPU封套沿红线拉开,取出封套内的折页,方可看到孩子的出生影像。

Eye Drops

Eye Drops is a collection of my daily images taken between 2018 and 2019. The shooting itself was aimless and very relaxing. The overall concept of the book is to integrate the slices of personal visual experiences into a ‘chronicle’ or a ‘poem' by editing the photos from the two years, and to relieve the visual fatigue caused by the stereotypical visual environment formed under the concept of consumerism at the personal consciousness level with the power of the image collection.

《眼药水》是本人拍摄于 2018至2019 年间的日常影像,拍摄本身是没有目的的,非常放松。书整体的理念是希望通过编辑两年之间的照片,将个人视觉经历的切片整合成‘志’或是‘诗’,以图像集合的力量对消费主义观念下形成的刻板视觉环境所引起的视觉疲劳,进行个人意识层面上的舒解。