Magioil Xing

congrats! Issue No. 0

Magioil Xing
In March 2024, artist duo Magioil Xing found a bag of paper works situated in the closet containing both finished and test darkroom black and white photography practices. This discovery inspired them to launch their first magazine issue. This inaugural issue serves as a playground for their process and experiments-based photography practice, presenting MX’s earliest collaborations alongside left-over test sheets. It also includes a casual conversation between the two as they rediscover these documents two years after their creation.


congrats! Issue No. 1

Magioil Xing
No.1 is the first official issue of the magazine 「恭喜/CONGRATS!」. Evolving from the experimental No.0, No.1 represents the transition from an artist zine to an "almost fully-fledged" general audience publication. Showcasing a diverse range of creations and non-creations from various backgrounds and forms, No.1 features poems, dream narratives, chat arguments with a date, an ongoing short story, estranged friends' love letters, a mother’s diary on daughter’s beloved cat...

No.1 是杂志「恭喜/CONGRATS!」的首期正式刊物。以实验性的 No.0 为基础,No.1 标志着从“艺术家自娱自乐”到”几乎成熟”的大众读物的转变。No.1 展示了各种背景和形式的创作及非创作,包括诗歌、散记、梦境记录、与 date 的争吵、持续的短篇故事、旧友的情书、妈妈写给女儿爱猫的随笔...