Marginal Zone
Raku-en A
2023In my first film photobook, the time and space of everyone’s solitude is a parallel universe, and my universe is codenamed ‘Raku-en A’. It is not really a paradise, but is filled with the past tense of a world that is a bit messy and decayed. These old traces of disorder and chaos are like residue filtered out by time. But above the ruins, there is always absurd vitality and secret happiness. I am temporarily saving the ‘Raku-en A’ with me, just like I am temporarily residing on earth.
我的第一本胶片摄影书,每个人独处的时空都是一个平行宇宙, 我的宇宙代号“楽園A”。 并不真的是个乐园,而是充满这个世界有点狼狈和衰败的过去式,这些无序混乱的旧痕迹像被时间滤掉的残渣;但废墟之上,总有荒诞的生命力和隐秘的快乐。我暂时保存着楽園A,就像我暂时寄居在地球上。
2023Hedgehopping literally refers to the action of jumping and climbing over fences, and further describes the need to jump over obstacles that constantly appear when flying close to the ground. In this photobook, ‘Hedgehopping’ is used as a metaphor to record and depict fragments of the author’s group portraits of himself and the youth groups around him while living in Beijing.
Hedgehopping 从字面上是指跳跃、翻越藩篱的动作,进而形容在贴近地面⻜行时需要跃过不断出现的障碍物。 在这本摄影集里,“低空飞行”被用作隐喻,去记录、描绘作者在北京居住期问,自身与身边青年群体的群像碎片。