
044 Art StudioLondon
51 PersonaeShanghai
Alison HuiLondon
Blooming SerenadeLondon
Bushang Gu  不尚London
curating matters 策展这门课London 
Icosa Magazine 二十面体Guangzhou
Imageless  无像Shanghai
in-tidal 潮间带Nantong
K.O.W 女儿国Beijing
LandingRoom+ studio  着陆房间Tianjin & London
Library MothershipLondon
/Lín Shí/ MOVEMENT 临时移动London & Chengdu
One-Way Street Journal 单读Beijing
P for PineconeNingbo
PukouFactory 浦口工厂Nanjing & Guangzhou

Rien BergaudLondon
Satsuki Press 皋月印社London
Seafood Market 海产市场London
SHU SHUBeijing
Sine Theta MagazineLondon
sino runGuangzhou & London
Stasis Space 龟力空间Beijing
Swampland 沼泽之地Hangzhou
te editionsNew York  & Beijing
their boxes 它们的盒子Hangzhou & Cherbourg
Tingzaosi 艇造司Chengdu
Wilson SoLondon
YuJoe 雨宙山Chiang Mai & Dali & Hong Kong

Zine Coop & Family
Hong Kong
P FOR PINECONEP for Pinecone is a publishing label from China runned by an editor and a designer, with a specific focus on Chinese visual art, poetry and literature. Our practice prioritises how text and image interweave within the spatial presence of a book and its materiality. Recent publications include PAPERBUSH by Chen Xiaoyi in March 2024, with forthcoming projects including an artist book by Zhao Qian and a poem collection by Qi Jinnian among others.

P for Pinecone是来自中国的出版厂牌,由一位编辑和一位设计师构成。我们首先关心文字与图像如何在书的空间中交织,同时在乎书籍作为一种物质材料的呈现。在纷杂的外部环境之下,出版将始终是我们最重要的实践,作为微薄个体的抵抗手段。