
044 Art StudioLondon
51 PersonaeShanghai
Alison HuiLondon
Blooming SerenadeLondon
Bushang Gu  不尚London
curating matters 策展这门课London 
Icosa Magazine 二十面体Guangzhou
Imageless  无像Shanghai
in-tidal 潮间带Nantong
K.O.W 女儿国Beijing
LandingRoom+ studio  着陆房间Tianjin & London
Library MothershipLondon
/Lín Shí/ MOVEMENT 临时移动London & Chengdu
One-Way Street Journal 单读Beijing
P for PineconeNingbo
PukouFactory 浦口工厂Nanjing & Guangzhou

Rien BergaudLondon
Satsuki Press 皋月印社London
Seafood Market 海产市场London
SHU SHUBeijing
Sine Theta MagazineLondon
sino runGuangzhou & London
Stasis Space 龟力空间Beijing
Swampland 沼泽之地Hangzhou
te editionsNew York  & Beijing
their boxes 它们的盒子Hangzhou & Cherbourg
Tingzaosi 艇造司Chengdu
Wilson SoLondon
YuJoe 雨宙山Chiang Mai & Dali & Hong Kong

Zine Coop & Family
Hong Kong
LIBRARY MOTHERSHIPLibrary Mothership is a visual odyssey that crawls on the surface of an image. Artist ATHENA Mothership sees themself as a humanoid spaceship that travels through time and space and ages in between, and Library Mothership is the observer vessel that the mothership sends off to collect rare artist books and archive fashion. Aligned with the Mothership’s praxis, Library Mothership’s collection is also mapped by the theme ‘the Topology and Stack-Ups of the Surface of an Image’. Under this collective theme, Library Mothership systemically researches, collects, archives, and exhibits artist’s books, rare art books, and printed fashion objects. Within these published and furnished surfaces, the words and objects, the cyber-interface and analog materials, an iconography of contemporary life and death is drawn. At the inaugural Outland Publishing Fair, Library Mothership proudly presents a powerful, all-star selection of 5 books from 5 Chinese-speaking artist friends.

Library Mothership (b. 2023, worldwide)是一场在图像表面爬行的视觉奥德赛.

艺术家ATHENA Mothership将自己视为一艘在时间和空间中穿行的人形星际母舰. 而Library Mothership是这艘星际母舰中负责书籍与艺术收藏的巡航舰. 与艺术家本人的工作方向一致, Library Mothership的航行座标同样由“图像表面的拓扑与堆栈”这个主题构成.在这个收藏主题下, Library Mothership系统性地检索、收藏、存档、展示艺术家书籍、罕见珍本、和时装印刷物. 这些书籍与时装表面从词与物, 赛博界面, 与印刷质料表面等维度共同堆叠出的现代生活图像学. 在首届“出陆书展”中, Library Mothership联合5位艺术家朋友, 带来一组强有力的全明星华语书籍阵容.