Practices: Taking Care
29 Sep16:00-18:00
In an era where ‘I don't care’ has mistakenly become a protective shell, we need to rebuild an organic vocabulary about care. This workshop has designed some somatic exercises to evoke the methods, wisdom, and beliefs of planting care into the soil of our life.
This workshop is facilitated by Sheryn, a magazine editor, writer, and creative practitioner. She has initiated the CARE project and the Inclusive Rock Climbing Action-Research Network. On site, she will bring ‘Care Manifesto’ (2024), ‘Flowing with the Brook’ (2023), ‘Weaving the waves of togetherness: A Glossary of Dinghaiqiao Mutual Aid Society’ (2021) that she has co-edited, as well as her friend Wang Zhanhei's new book ‘Normal Contact’.
照料、关心、在意……在一个“I don't care”误成为保护壳的时日,我们需要一起尝试重新搭建关于care的“有机身心词汇”。此次的工作坊设计了一些具身练习,以寻找把care栽种在生命土壤里的方法、智慧和信念。
本工作坊由初至/回伦敦的Sheryn发起,她是一名杂志编辑、策划者、写作者,她发起了“关怀汇流计划”与“攀岩无障碍行动-研究网络。现场,她将带来联合编辑的《Care Manifesto》(2023年伦敦设计双年展关怀馆展览出版物),黔东南洋洞村小诗人们的诗集《诗随溪流》,凝聚了社群记忆的《辞海游戏》,以及好友王占黑的新书《正常接触》。