Where Are We Going
Mingyue Feng2024
In Where Are We Going, the author goes through the day-to-day expenses of studying abroad as she begins to question prices, production, and transport. As these questions deepen, she ponders the workings of global trade, and in particular how small goods from developing countries can compete in Western-dominated markets. The author was also intrigued by how the freight trains of the China-Europe Railway Express (CEREX) transported small goods across 13,000 kilometers of inland routes to Europe, and in May 2024, she decided to explore this for herself, embarking on a journey from Yiwu, China, to London. Through bartering and interacting with locals along the way, she records the challenges of personal survival and identity in the context of globalization, as well as her observations, reflections, and rewards during the journey.
在《Where are we going》一书中,作者通过在外留学的日常支出,她开始对价格、生产和运输产生了质疑。随着这些疑问的加深,她思考起全球贸易的运作,尤其是发展中国家小商品如何在西方主导的市场中的竞争模式。作者还对中欧铁路快线的货运列车如何跨越13000公里的内陆线路,将小商品运输到欧洲充满好奇。2024年5月,她决定亲身探索这一切,踏上从中国义乌到伦敦的旅程。通过以物易物的方式,她与沿途的当地人互动,记录了全球化背景下个人生存与身份认同的挑战,和她在旅途中的观察、思考与收获。