Water, Dam, the End of the Water is My Temporary Shelter


This is a short dwelling about the return of the self to the thing with the dam as the point of origin. This record begins with my escape, which is always about separation—of the self, or from the other. Here I question. We commit ourselves to the thing, we generate it, and then we commit ourselves to repetition as if only repetition could lead to salvation, to the forgiveness of time, once the impossibility of going back to the mother is realized, once another identity has been established.

How do you overcome Him?

How do you overcome it?

   这是一段以水坝为原点的关于自我回归于物的短居。 这场记录开始于我的逃离,它总是关于分离,自我的分离,与他者的分离。我在这里提出我的质疑:我们将自身委身于物之上,我们生成它,继而委身于重复之中,好似只有重复才能得到解救,时间的宽恕,而一旦深知回到母体的不可能性, 一旦另一个身份已然确立。 
