Urban Chaos

Luyao Shi

Urban Chaos describes a force of disorder from nature. In this project, I walked through the suburbs of the city as an observer, using foxes wandering the streets at night as clues to observe and record how the plants, wild animals and other natural elements that grow here intersect and permeate the human-constructed order.

《Urban Chaos》描述了一种来自于自然的无秩序化的力量。在这个项目中我以一个观察者的身份穿行于城市的郊区,以夜晚游荡在街头的狐狸为线索,观察并记录了生长于此的植物与野生动物以及其他的自然元素是如何与人类构建的秩序相互交错并渗透的。
