After attending Bangkok Book Fair last year, I did not leave immediately and continued to roam aimlessly in Thailand for more than twenty days. Even though it was a bit hot, I loved everything I saw. Hearty, comfortable, rough. So, after the Chinese New Year this year, I took my mother and boarded the plane to Bangkok again.
As I looked back at the photographs I took during this period, I gradually discovered a hidden path. Insects on the floor, nets between the trees in the valley, mottled walls and half-detached characters of temples, scattered ruins… It seems to be some scene that is out of time. It's vague, it's indefinite, but it's really pulling me.
去年秋天,在参加的曼谷书展结束后,我没有立即离开,继续在泰国没有目的地漫游了二十多天,直到最后一天期限,才不舍离开。 尽管有些炎热,但是很喜欢看到的一切。丰富,自在,粗粝的一切。 于是,今年春节后,我带着母亲再次登上开往曼谷的飞机。
在回看这期间拍到的照片时,我逐渐发现了一条隐秘之路。 地板上的昆虫,山谷里的树木间的网,庙宇斑驳的墙和半脱落的字符,散落的遗迹……似乎,是一些游离在时间之外的景像。飘忽,不可明确,却又真实牵引着我。