Plant Portraits
Plant Portraits collected Ge’s tree-themed paintings in the past two years. This series of paintings started in the summer of 2020. When those grand narratives can't fill the holes in daily life, the tiny visual fragments can weave a net like vines. The trees outside the house, the trees in the photo, the trees that gave me a shelter. I stared at them with interest, and this watching went through a process from enthusiasm to calmness, gradually getting farther away from reality and closer to myself.
《植物肖像》收录了冯舸过去两年内的树木主题绘画。 这一系列绘画开始于2020年的夏天。当那些宏大叙事都无法填补日常生活窟窿的时候,细碎的视觉片段却可以像藤蔓一样织成一张网。屋外的树,照片里的树,给我庇护的树。我充满兴趣地盯着他们,这样的观看经历着从热情到冷静的过程,逐渐离现实更远,离自我越近。