Illusions of Decay

Xinyu Li

This album is a selection from a 365-day visual diary. The protagonist, X, appears autobiographically, portrayed as being infected and controlled by the parasitic fungus that affects ants (zombie ants). Mechanically drifting between the ruins of dreams and the cracks of reality, X reflects the influence of Gaston Bachelard's philosophy that ‘the immense dwells in the minute; the minute is the narrow gate leading to the immense world.’ As X navigates through miniature spaces, it projects a complex and oppressive reality.

此画册为365日视觉日记的选例。 自传体式的主人翁,X,以被偏侧蛇虫草菌(僵尸蚁)感染并挟持的状态出现,机械地游离在梦境废墟与现实的夹缝中。受加斯东巴什拉 (Gaston Bachelard) “巨大栖居于渺小,渺小是通往巨大世界的窄门” 的哲学影响,穿梭于微型空间的X投射出冗杂又压抑的现实。
