How to Defeat ‘Bad Things’

Gu Yangfan

Sadbunny was enjoying a solo trip abroad when its good mood was suddenly disrupted by unexpected ‘cyberbullying’. That afternoon at 4:50 PM, it walked westward along Auguststraße in East Berlin, basking in the sunlight, pondering how to defeat the ‘bad things’. Along the way, it encountered a series of both real and absurd stories...

Sadbunny正在独自享受异国之旅,却被突如其来的“网络暴力”打破好心情。 那天下午四点五十分,它迎着阳光在东柏林Auguststraße一路向西,思考如何打败“坏东西”。在路上他遇到一系列真实又荒诞的故事……
