Marginal ZoneJin
Hedgehopping literally refers to the action of jumping and climbing over fences, and further describes the need to jump over obstacles that constantly appear when flying close to the ground. In this photobook, ‘Hedgehopping’ is used as a metaphor to record and depict fragments of the author’s group portraits of himself and the youth groups around him while living in Beijing.
Hedgehopping 从字面上是指跳跃、翻越藩篱的动作,进而形容在贴近地面⻜行时需要跃过不断出现的障碍物。 在这本摄影集里,“低空飞行”被用作隐喻,去记录、描绘作者在北京居住期问,自身与身边青年群体的群像碎片。