congrats! Issue No. 1

Magioil Xing

No.1 is the first official issue of the magazine 「恭喜/CONGRATS!」. Evolving from the experimental No.0, No.1 represents the transition from an artist zine to an "almost fully-fledged" general audience publication. Showcasing a diverse range of creations and non-creations from various backgrounds and forms, No.1 features poems, dream narratives, chat arguments with a date, an ongoing short story, estranged friends' love letters, a mother’s diary on daughter’s beloved cat...

No.1 是杂志「恭喜/CONGRATS!」的首期正式刊物。以实验性的 No.0 为基础,No.1 标志着从“艺术家自娱自乐”到”几乎成熟”的大众读物的转变。No.1 展示了各种背景和形式的创作及非创作,包括诗歌、散记、梦境记录、与 date 的争吵、持续的短篇故事、旧友的情书、妈妈写给女儿爱猫的随笔...
